Monday, September 19, 2011

Life in the UK Test » 2

"The Life in the United Kingdom Test" is a test for individuals seeking Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK or naturalisation as a British citizen. The test lasts for 45 minutes, the entrants have to answer 24 questions. the test is based on chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 of a revised handbook (second edition) "Life in the United Kingdom: A Journey to Citizenship". Remember that you need to get at least 75% to pass this test.

  1. Compulsory test help to give parents a good indication of their children's progress

  2. Britain has a very low birth rate and very high number of ageing people

  3. Interest rates in credit unions are usually higher than banks and building societies

  4. If you are self-employed, you have to pay your own tax

  5. Why were specialist immigration centres set up in the West Indies in the 1950's?

  6. An international organisation working to prevent war and maintain peace is

  7. Where does Santa Claus come from?

  8. The House of Lords can

  9. Civil servants can on occasion be pushed into open support for party policies they think to be either impractical or incompatible with other policies

  10. In the Old times The House of Lords was more powerful than The House of Commons

  11. One TV licence covers all of the equipment at one address, but people who rent different rooms in a shared house must buy a separate TV licence

  12. Where is the Scouse dialect spoken?

  13. What percentage of the UK population is Jewish?

  14. What hours can a child age 14-16 work?

  15. What is the earliest legal age for a children to do paid work?

  16. The British system of government is a parliamentary democracy

  17. The Queen is allowed to criticise or support the government publicly on certain issues

  18. Who is responsible for collecting domestic waste?

  19. By law Census must be completed

  20. Britain, like most countries in the world, is a member of the United Nations (UN)

  21. Who is responsible on keeping a workplace safe?

  22. What percentage of the UK's population is white

  23. What is the minimum age to drive a large lorry or bus?

  24. What is the highest denomination bank note in England?

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